(Grains) Wheat, in the dream, stand foe lawfully earned money. So if a person dreams that he sees himself buying wheat; this mean an increase in income, or in the number of his siblings. If a person dreams that he sees a ruler putting a stick inside the bushel of grain and steering it; this warns that a rise in prices will occur. A person, who dreams that he sees himself planting wheat, will perform good deeds that will earn him the pleasure of God Almighty. If one dream of walking along in a wheat’s field; this indicates that such one will work for God Almighty. If a person dreams that he sews wheat in his farm but that it is barley that sprouts instead of wheat; this dream warns that such person is ostentatious. If such dreams that it is blood that sprouts from his farm instead of the wheat that hr sewed; this warns that such person may reap the reward of usury.
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