To dream that you visit a college or school, it means that you will regret opportunities that you let slip through sheer idleness and indifference. To think you own, or are an inmate of one you will find that you will meet with easy defeat of aspirations. You will take on knowledge, but be unable to rightly assimilate and apply it. For a young woman or any person to return to academy after having finished there, signifies that demands will be made which the dreamer may find himself or herself unable to meet.
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Recite: “Sanaquriuka Fala Tansa” (Q: 92 V: 6, 11 Times). Recite: “Fa idha Quranau Fatabihi Qurianao” (Q:75 V:18, 11 Times). Recite: “Wah alamunahun Min Laduna Ilima (Q:18 V:65 11 Times). All should be recited after obligatory prayers for 41 days.