(Valley) If a person dreams that he sees a ravine or a valley with a dry watercourse; this predicts that such person will embark on an exhausting trip, or it could mean taking a very long journey, and it could also stand for an intractable person. A person, who dreams that he sees a wadi, will perform good deeds, or that he will make offerings that will be acceptable to God Almighty.In the dream, a wadi stands for the people who live there, a tribe from such area and its farms or plantation. If a person dreams that he sees a wadi that is blossoming with fruit trees, sweet smelling flowers, and running course of water, and if this person hears nice words during such dream; it predicts that such person will be promoted to higher status, associate with people in power, or be appointed to a government position, and if such is a righteous person, his dream predicts that he will perform miraculous event, and that blessings will be bestowed through his hands by the leave of God Almighty.
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