Dream Interpretations & Solutions


God Almighty, is Lord, Creator and Cherisher of the universe. He is incomparable, and cannot be likened to anything or anyone; He is the All-Hearing, the All-seeing Lord. To see Him in a dream, interpretation depends largely upon dreamer’s state of being. To see Him in His glorious and majestic form, free of any descriptive designations, with no human characteristics ascribed to Him or portrayed; this is an omen of good tidings both for this world and the hereafter. The blessings may even continue to affect the offspring of the dreamer. But to dream that one sees Him in any other form apart from those described above, denotes confusion, more so, if the God Almighty Lord does not address the dreamer. For a sick person to see Him in a dream; this foretells that he will die soon and go to meet Him. For a person who has strayed away from the path sees Him in a dream; such a one will repent and find guidance. For someone oppressed to dream of Him; it predicts that such will eventually find justice and he will overcome his oppressors. To dream of hearing God’s voice but without any particular designation; this is the effect of the dreamer’s imagination. Hearing the words of God could also give dreamer rest of mind, and also increase his opportunities of success. To dream of hearing the word of God but without seeing Him; means the status of dreamer will rise.

Bible Solution

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Islamic Solution

Quran 96 vs 1 to 8 everyday