If you commite adultery in your dream, it portends you will be brought before the court of law for some legal action [proceedings]. If a lady dreams that she has committed adultery, it means that she will fail to keep or hold her husband’s affections, by allowing her temper and spite overcome her at the least provocation. If she commits adultery with her husband’s friend,it means that her rights and feelings will be ignored or disregarded by her husband, he will treat her as if she not important. If she lures a young boy into this sexual act, it shows that she will be in danger of abandonment and divorced for her open intriguing. For a young lady, this dream suggests abasement and low desire, in which she will find strange adventures that provide hers with enjoyment.
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Recite: “Robbi Auzubika Min Hamazaatishayaateeni Wa-Aiuzubika Robbi An Yahduruniy(Q: V: 71 Times, 7 days). Recite: “Auzubillahi Mina Shaitani Rojeem” (313 Times). Keep yourself away from any form of bad act (shaitanic act)