Dream Interpretations & Solutions


(Lunar months: 1-Muharram; 2-Safar; 3-Rabi-‘ul Awal; 4-Rabiu Thani; 5-Jamadu Awal; 6-Jamadu Thani; 7-Rajab; 8-Sha’ban; 9-Ramadan; 10-Shawwal; 11-Zul-Hijah) For one to dream in the month of Muharram, this indicates that such dream is very true as seen. So to dream during the month of Muharram can be taken to having a divine vision, and it never fails. This type of dream denotes relief from difficulties, success, and release from prison and recovering from a deadly sickness. If dreamer has migrated from his native town, he will return again to it. This interpretation is based upon the experience of God’s prophet Jonah, upon whom be peace, after he came out of the whale’s belly. Person involved in the dream face a great spiritual difficulty in wake life, or dream could mean the demise of a prominent man of knowledge, or the emergence of a Gnostic or man of great wisdom in the city. If dreamer is a sinner; it intones that he will repent of his sins, for God Almighty accepted the repentance of Adam, upon whom be peace, during this same month. If dreamer is aspiring to a position of honour, he will attain it because God Almighty raised prophet Enoch (Idris) upon whom be peace, to a higher status, during the same month.

Bible Solution

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Islamic Solution

7 days fasting, and after each fast recite Quran 1 vs 1 to 7 (41 times)